About Us
The Queensland Horse Council (QHC) Inc is focused on investigating and representing issues for the general good of all sectors of the Horse Industry and does not seek to interfere with the internal functioning of individual organizations. The QHC does not organise equestrian events and is not a breed registry.
The Council has been in existence since 1986 and is made up of individuals, horse association and equine businesses such as veterinarians, farriers, riding instructors and schools and horse trainers.
QHC predominately represents the Performance and Pleasure Horse Industry, which comprises of all equine interests other than racing, however we enjoy an excellent working relationship with the Racing and Thoroughbred breeding sectors.
The organisation spans the whole of Queensland.
We enjoy a good working relationship with Qld DAFF and are members of the Australian Horse Industry Council (AHIC).
To join, download the membership form here -
membership form
To contact us:
Email: |
Phone: |
International: +61 490292328
Australia: 0490 292 328
Address: |
c/- 5 Pamplings Road,
Peak Crossing, QLD, 4306