Permits and Waybills - What's Required
PLEASE NOTE: The Queensland Horse Council does not issue travel permits. Please contact the State Government Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries if you require these documents. This page is for your information only.
Scroll to the bottom of the page information sheets.
Generally waybills are not required when moving horses within Queensland.
Waybills describe the livestock being travelled and are completed by the horse owner or authorised agent of the owner.
Livestock owners can now take advantage of the
new electronic waybill available online.
The electronic waybill provides a range of benefits to livestock owners including:
- increased accessibility
- cost savings
- electronic filing of movement records.
Waybills are primarily used as a record of movement and can be used to trace stock in the event of a disease outbreak or emergency incident. All travelling livestock (alpaca, buffalo, camels, cattle, deer, goats, guanacos, llamas, pigs, sheep and vicunas) must be accompanied by a waybill or an equivalent document, such as a National Vendor Declaration (NVD)/waybill, PigPass or interstate travelling stock statement.
Horses must be accompanied by a waybill when moving out of a cattle tick infected zone, when there is a change in ownership (including sending a horse to slaughter) and when a travel permit has been issued for the movement. Horses moving within the same tick zone in Queensland and not changing ownership do not require a waybill.
The owner, an authorised agent of the owner or the occupier of the place where the livestock are kept must complete a waybill before stock is moved. A copy of the waybill must be retained by all involved parties for two years.
It is important to note that producers under the Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) still require the NVD/waybill to maintain LPA accreditation. This is an industry requirement for livestock sales
While the electronic waybill can be accessed and completed by all livestock owners, those with an Australian Business Number (ABN) can open a free
Australian Business Account (ABA) and receive additional benefits including pre-filled forms, storing and tracking waybills through their online account and transferring forms to other parties electronically. All livestock owners with internet access and an ABN are urged to take advantage of the new online system.
Hard-copy waybills will continue to be available from the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Customer Service Centre by calling 13 25 23 or local Biosecurity Queensland offices.
More information about the new electronic waybill is available on the
Biosecurity Queensland website.
The waybill identifies the owner of the stock and provides details of the movement. Its primary use is as a record of movement that may be used to trace stock. A waybill needs to be retained for two years after the waybill is completed.
Current legislation requires a waybill to be completed for horse movements when:
- moving a horse out of the cattle tick infected zone
- there is a change of ownership, i.e. selling or buying a horse, including sending for slaughter
- a travel permit has been issued for the movement.
The benefits of an electronic waybill align with the red tape reduction strategy of the Queensland Government and include:
- increased accessibility for clients on demand
- cost savings by removing the requirement to purchase waybill books and reduction in associated administration and printing costs
- ability to electronically store movement records
Hard copy waybills will continue to be made available for those clients who do not have access to the internet or email.
Waybills are required when:
- Moving across the tick line – see map to check your destination
- Travelling to a horse sale
- Moving to slaughter
- There is any change in ownership of the horse
- A permit is issued
The original, fully completed Waybill must always travel with the horse. The duplicate copy of the Waybill should be left at the property of origin of the horse. Both copies must be retained for two years from the date of travel.
A QPI&F biosecurity inspector or police officer may request that you produce the Waybill at any time during the journey, or at any reasonable time within the two year retention period.
Permits are required when:
- Horses are crossing the cattle tick line – see map to check your destination.
- During an emergency disease incursion
- Travelling from a property that is currently in quarantine status
- Going to the RNA showgrounds, Brisbane
- Travelling to interstate destinations
- Horses travelling to export quarantine facilities
Penalties for breaches are severe, with fines up to $40,000 for travelling stock without a travel permit when a permit is required, and up to $100,000 for travelling stock between different cattle tick zones without the required inspections or treatments.
Ensure you understand and comply with all travel permit conditions.
Special permits can be obtained for competition horses travelling between tick zones to events. A Multiple Movement Permit can be obtained for competition horses travelling between tick zones to events. These forms are available at the bottom of the page.
Competition Horses
Some exemptions to the clean inspection and supervised treatment requirements apply to manageable and groomed horses, when travelling across tick lines, for competition purposes.
Exemptions are based on risk assessment principals that take into account the stock species, place of origin and destination of the animals and other factors.
Exemptions may include no inspection or treatment or a less stringent form of inspection or treatment.
Manageable and groomed means the stock can be restrained and led to inspection by an inspector or approved person. The stock must have been groomed daily for at least seven days prior to inspection.
Moving Competition Horses across Tick Lines
Competition horses travelling from the Queensland cattle tick Infected Zone to the cattle tick Free or Control Zones and returning.
Scheduled competition event means an event organised by the governing body of an incorporated or unincorporated association, body or club; during which horses are either shown, used to compete or used for training. Records must be kept on all entrants.
Travel requirements when moving horses from Queensland’s cattle tick infected zone to the free or control zones and returning for scheduled event purposes, depends on the length of stay in the free or control zones.
It can be broken into:
- Stays of 5 days or less in the free or control zone
- Stays of more than 5 days and less than 15 days
- Stays greater than 15 days
Two options apply:
- Stock returning to their property of origin or to the infected zone within five days, are exempt from a clean inspection or treatment by an inspector or approved person. The movement must comply with all Queensland travel permit conditions.
- Stock remaining in the cattle tick free or control zones for more than five days but less than 15 days, must receive a clean inspection at a clearing facility before entering into the free or control zones.
If an inspection is required, the inspector or approved person at the clearing facility will inspect the stock and issue a Certificate of Inspection.
For travel longer than five days and returning in less than 15 days, you are required to pre-book a clearing facility. Clearing facilities must be booked at least 48 hours in advance.
Any stock moving into Queensland´s cattle tick free or control zones for more than 15 days or going to another state or territory must comply with general movement requirements.
Travel permits
A travel permit is required when moving horses from the infected zone to an event in the free or control zones and return.
Permits can be issued for a single event or multiple events within a 12-month period (multiple movement permit - fees apply) and are only valid for scheduled events where event organisers keep entrant records.
Download an application form for a competition stock travel permit below.
Multiple Movement Permits (under an approved scheme)
Multiple-movement Permits are useful when regularly transporting horses between Queensland’s cattle tick zones to attend events. The permit is valid for 12 months (fees apply).
Multiple-movement permits cannot be used for moving primary cattle tick host species such as cattle, deer and buffalo to competition events.
A waybill is also required when travelling horses with a Multiple Movement Permit.
Ensure you understand and comply with all travel permit conditions.
Download an application form for a multiple movement travel permit below.
Competition horses travelling from the Queensland cattle tick Free or Control Zone to the cattle tick Infected Zone and returning.
Competition stock travelling from Queensland’s cattle tick Free or Control Zones may be permitted to move within the state to and from a scheduled competition event in the cattle tick Infected Zone under an approved scheme.
Approved schemes
The Scheme permits manageable and groomed stock from Queensland's cattle tick free and control zones to travel to and from scheduled competition events in the cattle tick infected zone
Accredited Tick Control Personnel (ATCP) Scheme
The Accredited Tick Control Personnel (ATCP) Scheme is open to any organisation that is a recognised club, association or society under the Associations Incorporation Act ("Organisation") 1981 (Qld).
Approved scheme agreements
A recognised organisation may nominate one of its members to be trained and approved to treat stock competing at the organisation’s scheduled competition events. Approval must be sought from the Chief Inspector of Stock. To apply, the organisation must:
- complete an Application for organisation accreditation form below.
The nominated member must:
- complete the required training course
- complete the application for Accredited tick control personnel form below.
Movement and treatment requirements
All movements must be direct between properties in Queensland’s Free or Control Zones, to and returning from scheduled competition events held at venues in the Infected Zone.
Horses must return to the property of origin within five days after the original forward movement; and after being treated by the ATCP person at the competition venue with an approved chemical (acaricide).
Note: Those who fail to comply with the approved scheme's or travel permit's conditions must present the stock to an inspector or approved person at a clearing facility as if the stock originated from the infected zone.
Travel permits
A Queensland travel permit is required. Under the Scheme an authorised person cannot treat nor provide any certification for the treatment of stock that does not have a Queensland travel permit and waybill for the movement.
Ensure you understand and comply with all travel permit conditions.
An accurately completed waybill (Move Easy waybill or an alternative waybill) is required and must accompany the stock for the whole movement.
The ATCP must endorse the waybill with relevant treatment details performed on the stock.
- You've confirmed with the event organiser that an ATCP will be at the venue to treat your stock.
- You will be returning home from the event within five days.
- The horses are manageable and groomed; you’ve groomed the stock daily for at least seven days immediately prior to the movement and their coats are free of loose hair and scurf.
- You've obtained a travel permit.
Application by Organisation for Tick Control Acceditation
Application for Travel Permit for Competition Stock
Application Multi Movement Travel Permit
Biosecurity – Event Organiser
Biosecurity - Going to an Event
Biosecurity on your Property
Guide to Waybill Completion
Hendra Property Design
Hendra Virus Disposal
Horse Health Declaration
Horse Safe AHIC
Horse Safety Australia Explained
Horse Safety Aust Registration Form
Horse Venue Biosecurity Workbook
QHC Temperature Chart
QHC Visitor Register
Qld Cattle Tick Zones
Qld Waybill
Risk Management Plan Event Organiser
Transport Coe of Practice CSIRO